
John 15:9
"As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love


Galatians 2:20
I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.





Signs and Symptoms

Depressive illnesses can change a person's behavior and social patterns. These signs can include:

-Feelings of worthlessness, helplessness or hopelessness.
-Sleeping more or less than usual.
-Eating more or less than usual.
-Difficulty concentrating or making decisions
-Loss of interest in taking part in activities.
-Avoiding other people.
-Overwhelming feelings of sadness or grief.
-Feeling unreasonable guilty.
-Loss of energy, feeling very tired.
-Thoughts of death or suicide.

*If people experience these symptoms for prolonged amounts of time, they should seek a professional.


Single Tips and Resources   

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Tips - Consejos



Tips - Consejos




I am Important to God!
Jesus loves much that 

He gave His life in order for me to live!

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My Testimony:   When I was 15 years old I started with a cycle of deep depression in my life.  In my case, I had a strong reason and a strong hurt that was causing my sadness and Feelings of worthlessness.  I was hurt by some very close relatives and I was addicted to drugs as well.  These feelings were growing until the point of becoming life threatening.  Several times I tried to take my own life, and the day that I was determined in not to fail in my attempt, God stopped me.  I was 18 years old and I was going to take a beverage made out of medications and drugs, when my whole world changed.  Late that night while I was coming back from the University, I found myself in the midst of a youth group that gave recognition to Jesus. I just stood there and watch.  When I got home, my suicidal desire was gone.  I took a bath and slept.  Later on things started moving in my room and I fell on my knees due to the strong movement.  While I was kneeling down, I saw these huge feet in front of me.  Fear fell upon me and an inexplicable love as well.   I grab the feet and started crying. I closed my eyes almost immediately and  I could not see the person in front of me.  I thought it was an angel.  I do not recall how much time passed by.  By the first time in my life I felt relieved and loved.  I heard His voice:  "You will know the truth and the truth will set you free".... "I am the Way, The Truth and The Life"...He found me and came to help me.  Any trouble would separate me now from Him(You can read my whole story in the book:  By The Power of His Presence by: Rev. Lorena Gamboa)


What is depression?

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- A depressive disorder is an illness, but also has a spiritual root.  The root of bitterness, growing in our hearts because of an inner hurt.
- It can affect the way you sleep, eat, think and feel about yourself

Depression however, is prolonged periods of feeling "down", worthless, sad, and hopeless. These periods can last anywhere from a month to a year, to -if untreated- a lifetime.

There is no one cause of depression, and it is not fully understood. However, some factors that are common in depression cases are:
-Specific distressing life events (trauma)
-Biochemical imbalance in the brain.
-Psychological factors such as pessimistic views of life

Depression is just like any other illness, and you can be cured from it. Someone who suffers from depression is not abnormal. They just need a little help in dealing with the illness, just like any other illness. Depression cannot be 'shaken off', willed away or forgotten about. You must seek help. Even the most serious type of depression can be helped.  But the most important thing you must consider is JESUS.

JESUS wants to deliver you from depression.  He can do it.  Just give Him a try.

Think of the story of Elijah in 1 Kings chapter 19. Elijah was suffering from clinical depression. He had killed the false prophets of Baal and was being pursued by Ahab and Jezebel. He fled into the desert and prayed that God would take his life. He fell asleep by a tree, and God sent an angel to wake him. The angel fed him and cared for him. Elijah was removed from the stress of his life, and God cared for him.

We need to pray with them and pray for them. Just as God cared for Elijah in the desert, He will also not forsake those who are suffering.

Helping a friend with depression

This is not a rigid, fixed list, but it is a list of things that I found worked or didn't work for me.

Before doing anything, the best thing you can give to your friends is the experience of Jesus' love.  Intercession prayer is necessary.  Then Pray a prayer of deliverance and salvation over them, and be by their side all the way.  

1. Take everything the person says seriously
. If you don't or act like you don't, then they might feel they have to prove to you they are serious by acting on their thoughts.  Even though, you must not act out of fear.  Trust in The Lord.  Make intercession for your friend and ask God for a strategy.

2. Do give your friend as much support as possible
. I did not have anyone to talk to about the inner crisis I was dealing with.  It overwhelmed me and then I saw no way out. You don't necessarily have to be able to understand everything your friend tells you.   friends don't necessarily have to be on the other end of the phone all the time, they can feel helped just by knowing that they could email you  their thoughts, and you would be open to receiving them.

. Do email or phone now and then to see if someone is ok.
I found that it really made me feel better if I felt someone was caring, and thinking about me.  Later on, when I got to know Jesus, I learn how to relay my problems and cares on Him.  I found also, many Christian friends that were willing to help me.  Once you take the decision of following Jesus, look for some one that cares for you and guide you through.

4. Do learn about depression
so you can understand what is being said. Know the symptoms of depression and the signs that suicide is being contemplated. 

5. Reassure them that suicide is a permanent solution for a temporary problem

6. Show concern

7. Ask the person if they have ever thought of suicide.
This can help the person feel like you are taking them seriously. If they say yes, then ask if they have planned it, decided on when they will do it, and have the means to carry it out. This will help you understand the immediacy of the problem. If you think that they might do it soon then don't leave them alone.

8. Do be supportive when they go to their first psychologist appointment etc.
Getting help can be very daunting, and a caring friend can help tremendously and help minimize risks of the person backing out of treatment.

9. If the person is in the process of suicide and has taken drugs. Get information as to what they are taking. Call 911 and keep talking to the person until the ambulance arrives.

10. Listen.
It usually helps to simply talk the feelings out. If someone is actively suicidal, then let them talk. Talking for a long time can also make someone tired, and so take the edge off the feelings.

11. Most importantly. Give time and care for for yourself. Don't get so wrapped up in caring for your friend that you don't look after yourself. You need to have a balance between caring for yourself and caring for your partner.


1. Don’t dumb things down, try and solve the problems or argue
over why the person is considering suicide. It is not the extremity of the problems that makes someone feel that they can’t cope, it is whether or not they have enough “coping facilities” to deal with the situation.

2. Don’t make them feel that they have to prove how they feel by acting on their thoughts of self-harm/depression.

. Try not to get impatient
if your friend is repetitive, I found a lot of feelings came and then went and then would come again in a sort of cycle. Just keep trying to be as supportive as possible.

4. Don't judge

5. Don't give up on them! I'm not going to say that this will be easy for either you or your friend - because it won't be - but there is an end and it will be worth it. I have no idea where I'd be without my friend JESUS who stuck by me, I know that I'd be either dead or way off the rails and heading for the gutter.  

Present JESUS to your friends!




Please red our book titled:  Deliverance and Inner Healing  by Rev. Lorena Gamboa

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