
Ephesians 6:1
 "Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right."

Colossians 3:20 "Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord."





Nutritional Needs for kids 3-7


Stress free homes for teens


Violent TV shows inspire violence





Positive Discipline




Just Moms



What's Your Parenting Style?

Parenting Tips and Resources   

Tips - Consejos



Tips - Consejos



Tips - Consejos





Being strong-willed does not have to be a negative trait!  Children may change the world—after all, it’s not likely that the world is going to change them! You can be God’s instrument for making the world a better place. It is a great gift to have a child with firm convictions, a high spirit, and a sense of adventure. 


  • Our Children are not to be first in our list of priorities.  God is.  And then, our spouse.  You have must have this in mind in order to raise your child according to God's plan.
  • Pray together... Stay together!
  • Loving, positive rules create emotional order.
  • Recent studies are proving that laughter may positively affect your child's health and behavior... Have fun with your kids...after all:  "The Joy of the Lord is Our Strength"
  • Learn how to be a listener.  Children have a strong need of being heard.  This shows them how important they are for you.
  • Become a doer.  Preach with your actions.  Teach with your lifestyle.

      Tips on Discipline and  Behavior

  • Give appropriate freedom
    • Set reasonable rules and limits
    • Be consistent
    • Be firm, but gentle
    • Use your considerable power well (with time-outs and rewards, etc., but do not use physical punishment because it teaches aggression and makes children angrier and more defiant on the long run)
    • Be a model of calm responses, even when you are upset
    • Be a teacher -- help your children understand the lessons you are trying to teach
    • Use humor to encourage positive behavior
    • Reinforce positive behavior and do not give too much attention to negative behavior
    • Be patient: sometimes it takes longer than you think it should to teach important life lessons.


  • Understanding Your Child's Behavior! by: Dr. Andy Gill

In order to understand why your child is misbehaving it is extremely useful to keep a diary:

  • Identify one behavior that you would like to change.  Be as specific as you can (example: my child wont do as s/he is told, hitting, demands things, whines.) Write the behavior down.
  • When the behavior occurs, write down what led immediately up to it (triggers) and what  happened afterwards (consequences)?  Also record how you behave and  feel? 
  • After a week try to see if there is a pattern to the behavior.  When is it occurring (times, situations)?  Who is  it occurring with?  What  are the triggers?  What  are the consequences or "pay-offs" for your  child?  Often this is related to getting attention, "winding-up", getting their own way ("giving in for a quiet life").     
  • Ask yourself what is my child learning from the way I respond to the behavior?  Am I setting limits and boundaries consistently ?
     Once you have a clear picture you are ready to change the pattern by changing the triggers and consequences.  You may have to try and ignore certain behavior, try not to give in, remove certain privileges, look and sound as if you mean it when asking you child to do something.  Most importantly concentrate on encouraging and rewarding good behavior!


For More information read our book: "PAIDEIA: Discipline, Correction and Punishment" by              Rev. Lorena Gamboa  (Special Education Teacher)

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