You have been set free....

Be Free   Jesus    Testimony   Religions   EMERGENCY



Our testimony ~ Nuestro Testimonio


You can be Free~~Tu puedes ser Libre~~


Few years ago, our marriage was crossing a very difficult time. Due our pride, lack of forgiveness and bitterness, we almost got divorced.

As we decided to forgive and forget about the past, Jesus performed a miracle.

Is never easy to do so, and even today we are not perfect but humble to recognize our mistakes and ask for forgiveness.

Jesus is the King of Kings and He wants to set you free.

The Lord wants to give you peace, freedom and love. Open up your heart to Him and let Him come in.


If you feel all alone, frustrated and discourage...

call on to Him and He will answer you.

If God restored our marriage, can you imagine what He is going to do with yours...?

Lorena & Jorge

Hace algunos años nuestro matrimonio estaba afrontando severos problemas. Debido al orgullo, falta de perdón y amargura, casi llegamos a divorciarnos.

Cuando decidimos perdonar y olvidar todo con respecto al pasado, entonces Jesús hizo un milagro.

Nunca es fácil hacerlo, y aun hoy no somos perfectos pero si humildes en reconocer nuestras faltas y pedirnos perdón.

Jesús es el Rey de Reyes y quiere liberarte.

El Señor desea darte paz, libertad y amor. Abre tu corazón a El y déjale entrar.

Si te sientes solo, frustrado y desanimado...

clama a El y El te responderá

Si Dios restauró nuestro matrimonio, puedes imaginar lo que hará con el tuyo?


If you are troubled and looking for somebody to talk with

just write a letter to us...we'll love listening to you.

Si se siente perturbado y busca a alguien con quien hablar

escríbenos una nota...nos encantará escucharte.








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