Love Story founded in God's Purpose
They both are from Costa
Rica, Central
America, and met under unusual circumstances. The Lord had a divine
appointment for them. Jorge and Lorena met at the First Christian Music Contest: "Canto
de Libertad", Costa Rica, in 1987. Lorena was a singer in a band
called "Encuentro" and a special education teacher. She was a
student in "Cristo al Mundo" (Christ for the World) and an active
soloist, a musician and a professional soccer player. He was an active
Manuel, Lorena and Gina *ENCUENTRO*
Different races and different backgrounds. But in spite of having
everything against them they
fell deeply in love and started singing and ministering together. After a
very short courtship they decided to join their lives with one only
Purpose: Serving God together.
They got married on September 17th,
1988, and have been singing and preaching together
since then.
They were worship
leaders at CASA DE ALABANZA church (with pastor Bruce Gale) for 3 years
and were working with the teens as well. After they moved to another city
in San José, they relocated themselves into a new congregation that was
their home church until 1994. CENTRO EVANGELISTICO DE ZAPOTE (with Pastor Hugo
Solís). They were praise and worship leaders there for almost 4
years. These two congregations marked their character and love for the
missions and the ministry.
Meanwhile they were known as singers through the TV program AQUI ENTRE NOS, and
through the TELETHON at channel 23. (TBN broadcast in Spanish) They saw
this TV channel coming to life and when it was just LA VOZ DE LA CUADRA
(the voice around the block). Today this Station is the largest Spanish
station in Latin-America. 
& Lorena at Channel 23 (today ENLACE)
They were called
by God in 1994 to leave their native country, families, home and jobs in order
to dedicate their lives to the Lord. They started serving as worship and
youth leaders at Lakeside Assembly of God in Spring , Texas, with their three children: Daniel, Catalina
and Alejandra.
1998 they started their full-time ministry as overseas evangelists
preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and have been in more than 51 countries around the world
since then.
The songs
they perform come from their own inspiration, and they have recorded some
productions with different styles and subjects.
they both are ordained ministers, worship leaders, teachers and writers as well. They
are well known in different countries of Latin America and United States where
their books, manuals and teaching materials are being used as special evangelism
tools. They studied and graduated from the University of Costa Rica,
Christ for the Nations (Cristo al Mundo) and have different studies in Greek, Spanish,
music and orchestra.
The Gamboas
participate in local TV programs such as: CELEBRATION at DAYSTAR and DILES at
International Spanish TBN in Houston.
The Gamboas’s home church is
International in Willis, TX where they are part
of the apostolic leadership team along with Pastors Bill and Evelyn Traylor,
since 1997.
As an extension of their
ministry they also belong to VIDA
coordinators. Among the books they have written are:
"Marriage according to God", "Practical Evangelism",
"Religions and Cults" "By the Power of His Presence", "Discipline, Correction and
Punishment", "Free from bondage", "Free to Worship
Him", "DELIVERANCE", "Courtship and Dating", etc.
They have built their own recording
studio in Conroe, TX where they have their ministry offices as well.
FREE IN CHRIST MINISTRIES is a federally recognized 501(c)3 non-profit
corporation. We need and accept contributions, allocations, and grants.
We encourage all believers to follow and
commit to the scriptural admonition of giving tithes (to your
local church) and offerings to the work of God. |