A small tropical country,
Rica lies between two oceans.
This, combined with its complex mountainous topography, gives rise to a
extensive variety of habitats. These range from tropical dry forest and lowland
rainforest to páramo, with a correspondi ng difference in climatic conditions.
In general, temperatures vary between 14 and 22 degrees Centigrade
in the high Central Valley and between 22 and 28 Centigrade in the lowlands.
Temperatures remain relatively stable throughout the year, although some slight
changes take place according t o whether it is "Summer" (the dry
season) or "Winter" (the wet season). Summer usually prevails from
December to April and Winter from May to November. These seasons are clearly
defined on the Pacific side of the country but are much less noticeable on th e
Caribbean side where the precipitation is much more evenly distributed
throughout the year.
Costa Rica is divided
by seven provinces: San Jose, Puntarenas, Limon, Cartago,
Guanacaste, Heredia y Alajuela.
The colors of the Costa Rican flag are: blue, white, red, white and
blue. It has a shield in the middle red fringe. The five striped
flag of blue-white-red-white-blue, the red stripe being double
width of each the other four. Offset to the hoist in the red stripe on
white oval is set the coat of arms.
coat of arms has REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA in a scroll in
chief of the shield and AMERICA CENTRAL in a circular scroll
above the shield
Puntarenas and Limon were created provinces in 7 July 1909 and
before they were not provinces but regions (level a bit lower
that province). In 1909 the meaning of stars was fully forgotten
and when arms were slightly modifies in 13 June 1934, the five
stars remained unchanged. only in 1964 two stars were
added. The mountains represent the volcanoes and
mountains. Two
oceans: pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean. The sun of
justice and freedom.
The constitution
prohibits any army, to maintain peace and order the Civil Guard
serves as a police force. The city of San José was founded in
1848 . Most of its old buildings go back approximately 150 years. The
architecture of churches , cathedrals, and many modern
buildings, is incredibly rich and varied. |

Located in Central
America: Costa Rica is bordered on the north by Nicaragua, on the south
by Panama, the Pacific ocean on the west and the Caribbean on the east.
During his fourth voyage to the New World in 1502, Christopher Columbus
landed at "Cariari," known today as Puerto Limon. Columbus
actually named Costa Rica (rich coast) under the assumption that the
land was filled with precious metals. The earth never yielded gold and
silver, but the name was perfect for the wealth of natural beauty and
flawless climate.
The first settlers in Costa Rica were the
Chorotega, Huetares and Brunca or Boruca Indians; today there are still
about 20,000 Indians living here.
In February 1986 Costa Ricans elected as their president a relatively
young sociologist and economist-lawyer named Oscar Arias Sánchez.
Arias's electoral promise had been to work for peace. Immediately, he
put his energies into resolving Central America's regional conflicts. He
attempted to expel the counter-revolutionary forces, or contras, from
Costa Rica and enforce the nation's official proclamation of neutrality
made in 1983. Arias's tireless efforts were rewarded in 1987 when his
Central American peace plan was signed by the five Central American
presidents in Guatemala City, an achievement that earned the Costa Rican
president the 1987 Nobel Peace Prize, a distinction in which the whole
nation justly takes pride.
and Flora
Three majestic
mountain ranges, covered by tropical rain forests, run the entire length
of the country from southeast to northwest with active volcanoes of
incredible beauty , exotic animals, and a lush year-round vegetation.
Each year, Costa Rica welcomes thousands of visitors to share the
peaceful beauty and natural treasures of their country.

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