




A Muslim believes in everything written in the Koran about Jesus, the son of Mary (Aisa Ibn Marium) and has a deep respect for the Messiah. He know that the Messiah was born of the Virgin Mary (Marium Al-Athra), that He performed many miracles with God's permission and that He received the Gospel (Al-Injil) from God.

Dear Muslim brother if you want to understand why the Messiah came into the world you will need to understand the meaning of sacrifice.

We see the meaning of sacrifice in Id Al-Athha (The Feast of Sacrifice). You know, when God asked Abraham (Sayedna Ibrahim) to sacrifice his son. What would have happened to Abraham's son if God (Allah) had not provided a sacrifice as a ransom (fida) for him?"

“Ishmael would have died!”   (Acknowledging that Ishmael is the one they believe was about to be sacrificed.)

That is the meaning of sacrifice.  Someone dies instead of someone else. God sent a ram, which was sacrificed, in his place. I am in the same position as Abraham's son. We are all born under the power of death. It is written in the Bible (the Holy Book).

We have already proven that the Bible has not been corrupted due the last Dead Sea scrolls that were found. They revealed that our later translations are exactly the same as the original word by word.

We are all sinners. Is there anyone perfect apart from God? No! Only God is perfect.  So before God we are all sinners, are we not?

We are all then in the same position as Abraham's son -- under the power of death. But where is the sacrifice for my sins?

Hasn't God sent a sacrifice as a ransom for me?

John the Baptist (Yahya Ibn Zakaria) lived at the time of the Messiah. The first time he saw the Messiah, he said: “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” John 1:29

The Messiah was not the lamb of man. He came from God. He came from above. God's Spirit (Ruh Allah) covered the Virgin Mary (Marium). She became pregnant and gave birth to a son. As you know, He is called “Jesus, the son of Mary and the Word of God (Kalimat Allah)” and “the Spirit of God (Ruh Allah).” He was pure. He came from heaven as the Lamb of God. The Messiah proved that He was the Lamb of God by living a perfect life before God. There was never a time when He needed to say, “I ask God the Great for forgiveness (astaghfer Allah Al-Azim)” since He was the perfect Lamb of God.

But since He came as the Lamb of God to take away the sin of the world, He had to be sacrificed. This happened when, of His own free will, He gave up His life in the death on the cross. He rose from the dead and He ascended alive into heaven. And one day He will return to the world.

I am in the same position as Abraham's son. I am under the power of death. But there is a sacrifice for my sins through the Messiah, the pure Lamb of God. Now, through His Lamb, God offers forgiveness for all our sins and eternal life in Paradise (Janna). The Messiah bore the sin of all mankind, including yours.

If the Messiah took away the sin of the whole world, then I do not need to die . . . in which case I already have eternal life.

Suppose it is your birthday and the Messiah comes with a present and knocks on your door. He says to you, I would like to give you a present -- forgiveness for all your sins, eternal life and a living, personal relationship with God starting today. But there are some conditions. You must turn from your sin, confess it, and receive forgiveness through my sacrifice for your sin. If you receive the gift, it is yours, and not in any other way.”   


A Muslim then can reply: “You know that we, as Muslims, believe in the heavenly books - Al-Taurat (the Pentateuch of Moses), Al-Zabur (the Psalms of David), Al-Injil (the Gospel of Jesus) and the Holy Koran. But I have also been taught that Jews and Christians have falsified all the books apart from the Koran, so that you can no longer believe what is written in them. So the Holy Book (the Bible) you believe in is corrupted (muharraf) and a mixture of truth and lies.”




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