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Me alegra sobremanera este sitio. Sigan adelante. Interesante la informacion sobre esa isla.
Name: mariaelena zuñiga de garza
Email:ya lo conoce
Location: Monterey, Mexico
Date: Friday, January 20, 2006 at 08:30:39
DIOS LOS BENDIGA, ESPERAMOS QUE SE ENCUENTREN MUY BIEN, ESTUVIMOS VISITANDO SU PAGINA DE INTERNET. Recuerden que les amamos mucho y son de mucha bendicion para nuestras vidas.
Date: Wednesday, December 14, 2005 at 02:21:34
Loved the site. Thanks for the information about religions and Cults!
Amado Hijo Doy gracias al Señor por lo que me permitió ver hasta aquí, la Palabra de Dios dice Instruye al niño en su camino y cuando fuere viejo no se apartará, ese hice un día y hoy alabo y glorifico a Dios por todo lo que está haciendo a través tuyo y su distinguida familia. Sólo me resta decir Dios lo que empezaste perfecciónelo, usa SIEMPRE a mi familia para tu honra y tu Gloria. Los ama Mamá
Pastores Gamboa!!! Bendiciones Atravez de este medio queremos darle las gracias por su amistad y su apollo en todo lo que nos han ayudado. Queremos agradecerles por su presencia en el Encuentro de Parejas donde todos recibimos algo especial...Los esperamos en la siguente el otro ano. Tambien gracias por su invitacion a la "Conferencia" de la Misiones. Fue una esperiencia gloriosa. Los bendicimos y declaramos la uncion de Dios sobre sus Vidas y en las de sus Lindos hijos. Los queremos y siempre estamos orando por ustedes. Nos veremos en la proxima grabacion.
Que Bendicion que me hayan contestado. Estoy seguro que pronto nos podremos conocer. La familia de Dios es grande y podemos proclamar victoria en Cristo Jesus. Por que El viene por su iglesia pronto. Deuteronomios 28 Prs. Jaime R. & Vilma Gamboa
Que Bendicion que me hayan contestado. Estoy seguro que pronto nos podremos conocer. La familia de Dios es grande y podemos proclamar victoria en Cristo Jesus. Por que El viene su iglesia pronto. Deuteronomios 28 Prs. Jaime R. & Vilma Gamboa
saludos , que Dios los bendiga , estamos viendo kontinuamente su pagina esta muy bonita ..... los esperamos ke vengan pronto aka a sabinas a visitarnos por aka...... SALUDOS DE SUS HERMANOS :RODOLFO FLORES Y MARGARITA NUÑEZ NOS DESPEDIMOS Y HASTA LUEGO ....
maravilloso ministerio.
The Gamboa Family, I just wanted to say hello while I am on your site. I am hoping to see more of this summer's trip to chira. I pray this message finds you well; I am sure you are as busy as usual:)Take care and send my love to Catalina and Alejandra. God Bless!!!
Dear Friends, Thanks for this opportunity and fellowship in prayer. We love your prayers and concern for us. We are sendin this prayer request, please stand in prayer with us. We would love to have your prayers for us and ministerial work being done. Do visit of our web site. Pray for the support of 4 Pastors serving with us. They are badly sufferin in finances. 100 US$ requires per month to support one Pastor. Pray for the provision of financial sources required for ministry and Pastors. God bless you. Evangelist Pervaz Rehmat Masih Executive Director The Last Ae Ministries,Pakistan www.thelastageministries.org
saludos Hno. Jorge y Lorena: esperon sigan siendo muy bendecidos, aun les recuerdo cuando vinieron a Venezuela atrabajar con nosotros, con las dignificados de la tragedia de Vargas. Gracias por estar aqui apoyandonos. esperamos verles un dia. sean muy bendecidos.
¡Hola Hermanos, Jorge y Lorena! Ciertamente la lucha que ustedes libran en favor de las familias no es fácil. Hoy más que nunca antes parecen estar dadas las condiciones para que las parejas se separen y los hijos sean abandonados; con lo cual cunden la decepción, la pobreza, la depresión, la perversión, y la falta de ganas para vivir y buscar la verdadera felicidad, que sólo en Cristo puede encontrarse. ¡Que Dios les bendiga por siempre, a través de las dulces sonrisas de vuestros hijos!
¡Hola Hermanos, Jorge y Lorena! Ciertamente la lucha que ustedes libran en favor de las familias no es fácil. Hoy más que nunca antes parecen estar dadas las condiciones para que las parejas se separen y los hijos sean abandonados; con lo cual cunden la decepción, la pobreza, la depresión, la perversión, y la falta de ganas para vivir y buscar la verdadera felicidad, que sólo en Cristo puede encontrarse. ¡Que Dios les bendiga por siempre, a través de las dulces sonrisas de vuestros hijos!
"O Lord,do not forsake me, be not far from me.O my God." Sometime we neady help very soon from attack from evil bad .And this is import that God is neary to help and give power to win .pray for holy revival.Thanks and bless.keijo sweden
Mi esposa y yo les deseamos las riquezas y Bendiciones en Gloria de nuestro amado Señor.Todavía estamos saboreando la bendición del maravilloso tiempo que pasamos juntos y en armonía en el semirario para los matrimonios efectuado en el campamento de Canaán, en Cuba.Realmente sus Minsterios fueron de una gran edificación y no solo para nosotros sino en general para todos los participantes.Les amamos y esperamos verles pronto, pues ¡son capaces!Sus siervos, Diego y yoani.
Gracias por hacer llegar esta página a mi vida. bendiciones! Que el Señor esté con ustedes Rocio
DIos los bendiga! www.wayofthemaster.com www.freegift.net www.endtime.com
i absoulutly love your site.all the information on chira is great
Dear brother/sister in Christ. Iam Pastor Mcsann S Musa,General overseer of "HOUSE OF JESUS"a local church in this predominately voodoo worshiping nation,the rep of Benin. We are about 230 members and we came into being the year of our Lord,feb 10, 1999 with just about 15 members and thank God we are growing. We will be glad to be associated with your church as this will enable us grow more in faith as it is our duty to spread the word of our Lord Jesus Christ according to the bible and which we try to inculcate and teach the people the ways and ethics of our Lord and saviour here in this tiny west African country. We also have an orphanage home were we cater for the needy and less priviledge in the society as we have in our home,destitues,motherless babies,cripples and blind and deaf etc and it is also our duty to provide for their needs. We use this opportunity to solicite your kind help to us by providing us funds,clothes and foods which we shall use to keep this people alive. Thanking your for this kindness and love. Pastor Mcsann Musa You can reach me on phone 00229 984783 or email.
Dios los siga usando en sus propósitos, no desmayen nuestro galardón esta cerca, pero aún quedan muchos que no han doblado su rodilla. Amén.
Dios los siga usando en sus propósitos, no desmayen nuestro galardón esta cerca, pero aún quedan muchos que no han doblado su rodilla. Amén.
Son de mucha bendicion...continuen peleando la buena batalla y les deseo muchisimas mas bendiciones en ese lindo ministerio.
Your web-site is awesome. What you are doing for the Kingdom is great. I look forward to meeting you through SEEC Ministries. Blessings to you and family.
Hola hermanos:De verdad esta muy interesante su pagina y todo lo que contiene, me senti muy bendecido con su visita a Sabinas, y como les dije me gustaria que vinieran a Nueva Rosita, ustedes me dicen cuando pueden y nos ponemos de acuerdo. Dios les siga bendiciendo y prosperando mas en su ministerio, estaremos orando por ustedes.
You'll are doing a great work in Costa Rica. In God's timing I would love to come to Costa Rica. with the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.
Que maravillosos son los pies de los que anuncian buenas nuevas hermanos!!! Sigan asi. Tengo mis jovenes listos para el centro Aleluya!!!
Que bendicion su trabajo en la isla de Chira... Mantenganme en contacto con la direccion que les envie en el email. estoy preparando un grupo para ir en Julio. Sigan adelante
Greetings and Blessings Of our Lord Jesus Christ from Pakistan. Dear brothers and sister in Christ It is exceedingly wonderful and ful of blessings site, GOd bless u more abundantly. I am christian girl from Pakistan. please pray for our jesus ministries. we need your love gifts for christian of pakistan kids ( Orphanage and needy and bonded labours children). Jesus Ministries Pakistan is a youth initiative for the Kingdom of God in Islamic Republic of Pakistan. We are involved in the evangelism and preaching of the message of Truth in this Islamic society. Christians form 1.7 % of the total population of 135 millions in Pakistan. The need is not only to evangelize the people of other faith but also help our born Christian brothers and sisters to accept His Truth sensibly and grow in His love to witness His Word and Kingdom in Pakistan. We need your prayers to continue Jesus Ministries Pakistan. I would like to contact with your blessed and kind control of serving to Lord Jesus Christ all over World. Please visit our web site http://j.e.s.u.sministries.tripod.com If you need more information, please write us for more details. It will be appreciating to work for HIS Glory in Pakistan and all Worlds. Warmest Christian Greetings In His love Secretary Rafia Any
Me alegra mucho esta pagina. estoy pensando ir a la conferencia con mi esposa. Dios les bendiga
Keep doing God's work. It is amazing how a couple like you can touch hearts the way you do. God bless
Wonderful ministry... We have seen you on TV... GOD BLESS YOU!
A Judge Impregnated my 12 Yr. Old Sister & No-one will help. When the Government & Legal system are the Organized CRIME in CANADA, we honor CHILD RAPEST. The Federal Government is allowing the Credability & Reputation of the Police & The Legal System, to be distroyed to protect ONE Corrupt Lawyer, Politician, Judge, Child Rapest & now member of THE ORDER OF CANADA .This man has broken every law he swore to protect. Because this X-Justice Minister and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, raped and impregnated my 12 year old sister, and covered it up his entire career, no one will help us. To this day, no lawyer will represent me and the legal system will do nothing to help. The last lawyer I asked to represent me, told me, if any lawyer tried to represent you, it would mean the end of their career. Visit my web site at http://maxpages.com/sexualabuse I Name Him Here For 18 Months Now.
me empacto mucho su libro del testimonio... lo lei en la internet. Dios quiera algun dia vengan por aca.
Jorge and Lorena, Seeing you again after 20 years in Costa Rica and the beautiful way God is using your ministry all over the world is such a joyful experience! Los Ticos me ensenaron el espanol y creo que voy a recibir una bendicion mas alla por nuestra hermandad ahora. Si llueve el domingo no cancelamos las actividades. Podemos trasladar todo adentro la casa. Yours in Christ, Rusty y Esperanza
God bless all of you who live in and through Christ, thereby doing His work in this world. Heaven and paradise and a seat at the Father's table will be yours.
Los vimos en DAYSTAR el Sabado. Que programa mas bello y lleno de DIos. Sigan adelante.
Los vimos en el Programa de Television de Hoy en Day Star!!! Que bendicion son para el cuerpo de Cristo. Les estare llamando para mayor informacion con respecto a los viajes. Gracias por todo!
Bendiciones familia Gamboa. Su pagina esta fantastica. Queremos decirle que ustedes son de mucha bendicion para nuestra vida y el ministerio. Desde que los hemos conocido han marcado nuestras vidas con su ejemplo y dedicacion a la obra del Señor. No tengo palabras como agradecerles por su apoyo incondicional con la grabacion "Este momento es especial", con la pagina de internet, etc. Son un regalo de Dios. Los bendecimos y nuestras oraciones siempre estaran con ustedes. Reciban saludos de nuestros Pastores Jose Emerito y Rosa Lorena Gonzalez. Bendiciones!
It's Saturn support test!!!
Hermosos son los pies de los que anuncian el evangelio. Dios bendiga la obra de sus manos y les de nuevas fuerzas para seguir adelante predicando su palabra que es vida. Los amamos !
This website rocks!!!!!! Even if God had internet,in heaven,He would never stop visiting this site because of its stunning graphics,stories,tips and tricks about life. Just because I am the son of the woman who made this site doesn't mean that I'm saying 'or typing this' to please my mother and my father. I have meant every word that I have typed since the beggining and I will never change my admiration for the two special people who made this website and published it on the net. I joyfully reccomend this site for any teen or adult!!!!!!!!! May God be with all of you whom read this message,from a teenager,to the entire world!!!!!!
I am a born again Christian. I just happened across your site. I just wanted to say God Bless! I loved your list of emergency numbers. I hope that the Lord continues to work in your lives.
hey it's me!!! i miss you guys so much. i'm coming to visit next week because i have a day off. i love what you've done with your site Lorena! i'll see you soon.
Search Engine. want to help Chiras people giving them my calculations for the local tides
Greetings Lorena and family, so good to know your labors in the Lord! Please visit my website above, and the Christian links and check out yours to make sure it works OK. It had been some time of adjusting lately but Praise the Lord!, HE continues to encourage me and teach me the way I should go in my daily Christian life and growth. Amen! God's blessings! <><
Praise the Lord! HE continues to encourage me and teach me the way I should go in my daily Christian life and growth. Amen! God's blessings! <><
Praise the Lord! HE continues to encourage me and teach me the way I should go in my daily Christian life and growth. Amen! God's blessings! <><
Merry Christmas to you Jorge, Lorena, Daniel, Catalina & Alejandra! We must get together in the days ahead and just sit and stare at each other. (ha ha) I am sure you are as weary as we are from all of the hustle & bustle of the season and the ministry from the last month. Blessings, Popes (tostadas, y mas)
Please leave us on your email list. We love your sight. You guys are such a blessing. We know that many souls will rejoice in eternity because of your devotion to the purposes of God for your lives in your generation. Blessings, Marty & Kathy Gabler
dear mom, please be careful on your trip me and kelsey are praying for you love Alejandra
iam mathew from india iam depresed iam worried iam want of your prayer for my family please do pray for us my mummy health is not good she has blood preasurte and she has kiddney problem and my daddy also having health problems please do pray for us and pray for my brother satan is troubling us so please poray for us iam curesed and witchcraft had bean done for our family so do pray for us i beg you mathew .p from india
I loved this site
I would love to have you in our church. I am going to ask our pastor and I will let you guys know. What a blessing you are. Thanks for everything
Gracias a Dios que hay gente tan entregada a la obra de Dios y que toma tiempo en orar y apoyar a otros.. Gracias por su tiempo...realmente lo aprecio
jorge & Lorena God bless your every breath and my prayers go out to you and your ministries. Thank you for helping mre to realize a dream come true. I could not have done it without you. And, I would have never known you if I had not been searching for God online! Again, many thanks and blessings to you, your family, and your min istries. DG
God bless you brothers, it's so awesome to see all that the Lord did in Sabinas, indeed God is Good. I am so blessed to see true calling upon your lives. Blessings, Love Maria Yepez
Gracias por la informacion aca expuesta. Andaba buscando respuestas y gracias a Dios y a su pagina...encontre algo mas preciado. Muchas gracias
It was good to hear from you again. I visited your website and I really enjoyed it. I was glad to see the pictures taken in Albania and to read about the ministry that you have around the world. I'm sure that you are being an instrument in God's hand and He is pleased with you. (Armida was our formal translator when we went to Albania. God used her mightly in order for us to deliver the message of the Gospel)
Dear george and LOrena THanks for your new website.Let it be ablessing in Jesus Name those who review.Pray for FAdi trip to Oral roberts University in Tulsa OK be easy in Jesus NaME.yOURS iSSA and Family
I really appreciate your work for the Lord. Keep on doing such a wonderful job. You are an example to follow.
Wonderful!! Thanks so much for this gift. Be blessed.